The idea for this quilt image came to me about 8 years ago as I was reading “The Way: Using the Wisdom of Kabbalah for “Spiritual Transformation and Fulfillment” by Rabbi Michael Berg. As I was reading, he described the experience of “bat kol.” It literally means a voice from above…that each of us experiences this moment of inner spiritual awakening. “Bat Kol” is a sudden flash of the Creator’s Light. It is a gentle whisper that calls us to draw closer. “Bat Kol” is a beacon of light that passes over us with no-strings-attached gifting. Our Creator’s Light is to be received as a friend is received lovingly into our lives. What a concept!! No hell and damnation that we are all afraid of which makes us run lickity split from relationship with God. Just love, kindness, and generosity of mercy. Wow. Now I can LOVE that God in return and really feel welcome into His/Her arms.