Help put words to your own grief and depression. Between the years of 1991 and 1992, I recorded by own healing process. It was a …
Books and Poetry
My purpose in sharing these poems is because they are my “children”, the expression of the range of positive and negative emotions experienced during the …
This journal is for a woman seeking her true place. It begins on the “Great Sea of Despair” where there is no purpose for life. …
Is a fantasy tale which is “dedicated to those who have been to the rainbow, passed through it, and are now back with us to …
Literan is a liturgy for the empowerment of those who have not been given full stature in this experience called life. They are women, the …
Information about current workshops: Contact Connie Backus-Yoder at A Healing Place for further information
“40 Flowers for Grief and Depression”
Learn tools for healing ongoing grief and depression. The workshop is a hands-on experience within the framework of several talks on the process of managing your grief or depression. The workshop addresses such issues as how to face your depression and grief, the need for healing, hindrances to healing, and making new choices.
“The Wilderness: A Journal for Spiritual Growth”
Charting your spiritual path by developing your inner landscape—for example, the Sea of Despair, Cave of Shame, Shore of Mind Sets, Road to Nowhere, Forgotten Monastery, Well of Poison Water, Oasis of Comfort, Mountains of a Better View, Rock Hills of Personal Danger, and others
“Literan of Women for the Last Days of the Revelation”
Uncover and develop your belief system through what you know to be true within yourself. Learn about yourself and how you have responded all of your life when faced with negative and often unspoken images of women throughout history.
“Tools for Healing” Learn more about yourself and how you react to grief and depression. Confront your pain again. Recognize personal attitudes and beliefs about yourself, God, others, and the cause or situation that brought them on. What further can I do to facilitate healing? What does health look or feel like?
“Liberation: Breaking The Chains of Your Soul”
This is a workshop based on the principles of liberation theology. Its purpose is to uncover many areas in which women are bound When they are uncovered, true liberation of a woman’s spirit can emerge. Speaker’s Fee @ $55.00 for 1 hour plus expenses A half-day workshop = $100 plus expenses Full-day workshop = $200.00 plus expenses 2 or more day workshop = $200.00 per day plus expenses