As a lot of young girls growing up, I belonged to the Girl Scouts. We could learn almost whatever we wanted to learn, which included science, politics, camping activities, and other things that seemed to be a natural part of what boys learned. I felt so empowered learning this “forbidden” knowledge. Today, this bias is not present, thank goodness. When it came time for me to go to college, seeing through my small town consciousness, it seemed that the only careers available to me were teacher, nurse, secretary, or housewife. It didn’t occur to me that my gift of music could really be developed into a successful career. So, through years of unchallenged consciousness, I frittered my gift away by lack of effort and practice to increase its value. No dream, no fulfillment of that dream. Today, I see the choices that women have in careers and I am astounded. Young women are encouraged to dream early in life, and to me this is the concept of Girl Scouts. Dream early and be guided by mentors who will help you fulfill that dream. Today women can obtain a degree to become a lawyer and actually take the bar to be a lawyer. They can be department heads in interesting fields of study. And women are allowed to be ordained in this day, too, and even be elected a Presiding Bishop as the Episcopal Church did in electing the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori in 2007. “It’s a girl!!” was the proud announcement. Sidnie, or Rev. Dr. White-Crawford more formally addressed, is the prime example of the blessing that the shattering of the social ceiling of women’s “place in society” has accomplished. There are women all over who are now able to fulfill their life’s purpose and are able to stand before God giving an account of their gifts, too. Bravo for Girl Scouts forever!!!